Information. Insights. Intelligence.
Gather all your critical data in one centralized, academic intelligence dashboard. From admission scores to test performance and shelf exams. ei3 serves as your one-stop data shop.
Data is only useful when it is accessible. The power of ei3 is bringing together a diverse compilation of data to not only look beautiful, but allow programs to discover what lies in the data they are already collecting.
Let ei3 do the data mining for you. Then you can make the actionable decisions, interventions, and changes to achieve a higher level of excellence.
Grouped listings make it easy to find the scores and details for particular forms or types of forms.
View questions, responses, and scores for each completed evaluation in a clean table format.
Compare the question scores for the same form across all evaluations to easily determine where a student needs improvement.
View didactic and clinical course performance using a scatter plots that make it easy to identify courses with low scores. Pull up breakdown of students and scores for course by selecting the dot.
View the number of scheduled rotations per month using a colored grid that makes it easy to determine which rotations are scheduled the most and when.
View average national examination scores across cohorts using a bar chart to compare the strengths and weaknesses of each cohort of students.
All panels can be customized to easily support additional fields or columns for your program.
Our National Examinations and Data Import are setup to work with any test data that can be imported in a spreadsheet format.
Not seeing the info you care about? We will work with your program to create functionality for your needs.