Clinical Site Shortages
In 2006, the AAMC recognized that the United States was facing a physician shortage. They recommended a 30% increase in medical enrollment from the numbers in 2002-3 by the 2015-16 school year. While this goal was not met on time, it has since been surpassed
Security Access to System Data and Function
Security Access to System Data and Function It is no surprise that enterprise-level systems with hundreds of different functions present many complicated challenges. Managing various levels of access to data and functions within the system for different types of users is one of these challenges, and one that people outside the field may not have […]
Exam Review
Throughout a course, exams and assignments may be categorized as summative or formative. While summative assessments (e.g., final exams) measure how much students have learned by the end of the course, formative assessments provide feedback during the course that can help students and instructors refine their approach moving forward.
Syllabus Generation
Syllabus Generation Syllabi are incredibly important at the beginning of the year as they set expectations, course objectives, explain grades, and other course details. Without a syllabus, a course may not be structured correctly. With tools such as the Syllabus Generator in eCurriculum, syllabi can be generated efficiently and correctly. Kicking off the first week […]
Curriculum Mapping
Curriculum Mapping Curriculum mapping is exactly what it sounds like: it involves mapping out your curriculum to gain a better understanding of when everything is being covered and how topics relate to each other. Often, curriculums will have certain goals that exist at different levels. For example, a medical curriculum might have the overarching goals […]
Curriculum Calendar
Curriculum Calendar As a program, it is critical to schedule courses properly and efficiently manage time. With the curriculum calendar in eCurriculum, learning is consistent and well organized. In eCurriculum’s calendar, administrations can schedule course sessions, general events, and associated student cohorts, groups, and faculty into a calendar. Integrated with Canvas, Google, and Office 365, […]
Grading Discrepancies
Grading Discrepancies Much of modern medical education is highly standardized; medical students at schools across the USA and Canada, regardless of their institution, can expect to be trained in the same core scientific knowledge and clinical experience. They will all be expected to demonstrate skill in three areas: medical knowledge, medical skill, and professionalism and […]
E-Learning and Health Science Education
E-Learning and Health Science Education E-learning has become a more common method of education as technology has grown increasingly commonplace. As technology has advanced and a greater focus has been placed on e-learning, it has become a rich, interactive pedagogical tool that can increase access to education. Virtual classrooms allow students to do more work […]
Faculty Evaluations
Faculty Evaluations As we see with student evaluations, faculty evaluations provide constructive feedback as well. Student faculty evaluations have been popular among colleges for quite a long time and for good reason. Through eValuate+, faculty members can be evaluated by students in order to maintain a strong program. By evaluating professors, students will feel more […]
Feedback and Student Success
Feedback and Student Success The question at the heart of many pedagogical approaches is: what can teachers do to improve student success? More often than not, one component of the answer to this question is feedback. In his 2012 study, Vincent Tinto identifies the following “attributes of effective classrooms:” expectations, support, assessment and feedback, and […]